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Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity
Switch 1.0



The world of Touhou comes alive in this beautiful action RPG (featuring “bullet hell” elements, of course!). Infamous vampire Remilia Scarlet and her dutiful maid, Sakuya, set off to chase rumors of a massive monster, all while sending baddies flying with

The enchanting world of the Touhou Project comes alive in this beautiful fan-made action RPG!
Select Either of Two Playable Characters for Twice the Adventure
Choose to play as the titular vampire, Remilia Scarlet, or her devoted maid, Sakuya Izayoi. Each offers a different gameplay style with unique mechanics: Remilia’s attacks hit hard, while Sakuya’s are more technical.
Use Five Buttons to Carve Out Countless Swaths of Destruction
The game’s controls are simple, fun, and endlessly customizable: you’ll learn a variety of skills as you level up, which you can assign to the game’s action buttons however you’d like.
Build Hit Combos for Greater Success in Battle
The more you’re able to hit enemies in rapid succession, the higher your attack power will be, and the more experience you’ll receive per kill. The effect will wear off over time, however, or when you’re struck by a foe – whichever comes first!
Collect New Equipment to Become a True Powerhouse
Each new piece of equipment you find has its own stats, to the point that even two items with the same name may sport notable variances. So collect all the equipment you can, and try to max out your arsenal! There may even be rare equipment out there that allows you to utilize entirely new skills…
Get In the Zone With Arranged BGM from Acclaimed Doujin Circle Hachimitsu-Lemon
Let a total of 35 background music tracks masterfully arranged from previous
titles wash over you as you experience the breakneck action!
Revised Difficulty Levels From the Console Version
Tweaked and adjusted, the game should now better suit any and all difficulty preferences, from the most casual action gamer to the most hardcore shmupaholic!
Fully-Featured Configuration Menu for PC Gamers
Includes the ability to remap and rebind keys and gamepad buttons, adjust technical specs and graphic levels, and more, allowing for a custom experience perfectly suited to your individual machine as well as your personal tastes.
4K Resolution Support
For a truly immersive action gaming experience!
Brand New “Bullet Hell” Mode
Start the game in this mode to drastically increase the quantity and intensity of enemy projectiles. You are not prepared!
New Achievements and the Full Steamworks Package
Try to 100% the game…if you dare!


  • Xbox One是一台由微软推出的家用电子游戏机,2013年11月在北美与欧洲首度发行。本机为Xbox 360的后继机种,于电子游戏史中分属第八世代。2016年,微软推出了Xbox One的后续版本Xbox One S和Xbox One X。




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