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急速天龙 重制版

急速天龙 重制版

Full Throttle Remastered
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  • 急速天龙 重制版 截图 3
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  • 急速天龙 重制版 截图 5


Released by LucasArts in 1995, Full Throttle is a classic graphic adventure game from industry legend Tim Schafer, telling the story of Ben Throttle; butt-kicking leader of biker gang the Polecats, who gets caught up in a tale of Motorcycles, Mayhem and M

Originally released by LucasArts in 1995, Full Throttle is a classic graphic adventure game from industry legend Tim Schafer, telling the story of Ben Throttle; butt-kicking leader of biker gang the Polecats, who gets caught up in a tale of Motorcycles, Mayhem and Murder.
Now over 20 years later, Full Throttle is back in a remastered edition that features all new hand-drawn and 3D high-resolution artwork with 4k support, and with remastered audio and music. Blow your speakers with movie-quality sound and a full digital score featuring the GONE JACKALS - an authentic hard-hammerin' biker band!
Players will be able to switch back and forth between classic and remastered modes, and mix-n-match audio and graphics options to their heart’s desire. Also included is a concept art browser with work from Peter Chan, and a commentary track with the game’s original creators.
Full Throttle was the first game with Tim Schafer as sole project lead, and a much beloved cult classic! This special edition has been lovingly restored and remade with the care and attention that can only come from involving the game's original creators. It’s headed to PS4, PS Vita and PC in 2017.


  • Xbox One是一台由微软推出的家用电子游戏机,2013年11月在北美与欧洲首度发行。本机为Xbox 360的后继机种,于电子游戏史中分属第八世代。2016年,微软推出了Xbox One的后续版本Xbox One S和Xbox One X。




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